Cinnamon Swirl Bread, pt. 3

The Cinnamon Swirl Bread in previous posts, pt1 and pt2, have come out quite tasty, but have had a tendency to unroll. This post is about an attempt to solve the unrolling problem.

As can be seen in this photo of the sliced loaf, the swirl is not continuous. It has been broken by non swirled areas where the bread is joined across the swirl, “gluing” the bread across the swirl.

Two loaves of Oatmeal Bread were made for this post, one with interrupted swirl for this post, and one just to eat. The recipe below totals 1845 grams of ingredients, too much for the bread machine, so I used the stand mixer.

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Cinnamon Swirl Bread – pt 2

In my first try at making Cinnamon Swirl Bread the loaf came out with about 1 and 3/4 turns in the swirl. The swirl also cut a path through the slice so that it had a tendency to unwind. I wanted to get it to stick together across the swirl, so I rolled the dough thinner and got more swirl, but these slices tended to unwind as well. Since I was only making one loaf to try the swirl I used the bread machine again to make the dough. The recipe used was the same as the bread in the first try at Cinnamon Swirl.

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Cinnamon Swirl Bread – pt 1

The marble rye bread I made in a spiral pattern left me wanting to try the spiral pattern again. A few days ago I got some books from the library and they showed cinnamon swirl bread, so I decided to make some. The photo above shows the result from my first try. It tastes great and looks great. The problem is that the bread is not bonded across the swirl, if you don’t pick the slice up carefully it unwinds.

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